The title of the post is ‘Enjoy the last weeks of pregnancy’, because this is what everyone is telling me to do. Don’t rush the process, and ENJOY!
I think this is backwards – you should enjoy the first 8 months of your pregnancy, because the last one is the most uncomfortable. When I hear someone tell me to enjoy the last few weeks – I instantly in my head say enjoy what part? The swollen cankles, the 40 extra pounds, the inability to bend over and put your pants on or shave your legs, the 4 outfits that you can fit into in your closet, the lack of sleep thanks to pregnant insomnia… should I go on?
So, next time you see a 9 month pregnant lady – don’t tell her to enjoy… maybe say something like it will all be over soon 🙂
Another funny thing about the last days of pregnancy is how they say sex helps you to naturally induce labor quicker, by softening your cervix. It’s funny to me because you have to have sex to get pregnant… and then you have to have sex at the end to get un-pregnant. I’m not complaining – but now our joke is you got me pregnant… now it’s your job to un-impregnant me… I’ll let you know how that goes!
Pregnancy hormones are attacking again. I’ll be perfectly happy one minute and in tears the next. Honestly not because I am sad or stressed, solely because I am pregnant… and pregnant hormones suck. So if you see me sitting in Starbucks, or in my car or getting gas crying – don’t bother asking me if everything is OK, just continue on with your day and chalk it up to preggo ups and downs.
I’ve concluded that I am a world class napper. Not everyone is a great napper and this is something I have learned about myself over the last 9 months. I have never been a napper, even through college you would rarely catch me lying down for afternoon zzzz’s. Now, I am a strong promoter of the power nap. Anywhere from 30 – 60 minutes can make my entire day a million times better.
I didn’t spend one day with any sort of sickness or nauseousness this entire pregnancy and in the last week I’ve been nauseous more often. It’s been odd, but I am hoping it’s a sign that the end is near.
It was a big weekend thanks to my Dads Birthday and sister Kelley’s Graduation. My family is doing all they can to help get this baby out. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings where i ordered the spiciest wings you can and followed that lunch with a dinner at La Hacienda, a local mexican restaurant with extra hot sauce. I don’t think it’s working to spice out Baby E – but hopefully they will learn to love spicy foods and mama can keep eating spicy food during breastfeeding! After the long day I fell asleep while the sun was still shining. This mama can’t take the long days in addition to the 89 degree weather right now!
On Sunday we met up for our first meeting of the Breakfast Club in Indy. We are starting up a monthly sunday morning brunch group where we will start trying out the delicious brunch options of Indy! This month was at FlapJack, where we tried their waffles, pancakes and french toast collectively as a group – all passed the test of delicious!
We got all of our maternity photos and I know I gave you a sneak peek of a few – but the rest are just incredible. Krista at Krista K Photography did an incredible job!
Check out the video of them here – WARNING – it’s 8 minutes long so you might want to skip forward a bit!
Size of Baby E: Somewhere around 20 inches and 7.4 lbs
Best moment of the week:Â Hitting the single digit countdown this week! 7 days until D day… hopefully this babe doesn’t decide to come fashionably late.
Obsessions/Cravings? Compression socks. I have been blessed with a great pregnancy honestly, but these last few weeks if I am on my feet for a while standing my ankles start to resemble softballs and I can no longer detect where my ankle bone is located. I’m trying to limit the on the feet standing unless I am working out and wear compression socks whenever possible.
What I’m most looking forward to this week: Baby coming this week hopefully!! Every night Josh and I go to sleep and look at each other, with a look that says.. maybe tonight?… 🙂
What I miss the most:Â I’m not missing anything this week – just fully focused on the excitement around Baby E coming.
Workouts: Still alternating running and walking. I’ve been putting the treadmill on an incline recently. Yes, I said treadmill. Unless I get up super early in the AM to run/walk the heat is too much. Even at 7 pm it is still 85 degrees and this pregnant lady becomes a hot sweaty mess. So I’ve been sticking to my afternoon workouts inside with air con.
Movement: Still moving. Movements are definitely lower – shifting a lot with an occasional kick or punch – but as I mentioned this babe is running out of room. I keep telling E that there is a lot of room on the outside – they should come out and play!
Symptoms: Still topping the list is impatience 🙂 But swollen ankles and insomnia are close 2nd and 3rd!
That is a funny thing to say “enjoy the last, most uncomfortable few weeks of your pregnancy”…crying babies and smelly diapers are looking pretty good…I think that’s why pregnancy stinks so much at the end…so you welcome more sleepless nights and other discomforts with open arms and enthusiasm…it will be worth it 🙂 Can’t wait for the post where Baby E is here, it’s coming soon!!!!
Ha! yes smelly diapers and crying babies I think I can handle at this point vs. the mental energy of waiting for this baby to get here! Can’t wait 🙂