This week baby has officially dropped, not only did my family and Josh mention how much lower I looked, but doctor confirmed that baby was already very low and in position… which made mama happy to hear that baby can’t wait to come out and play either (even though I know they need to cook for a few more weeks!).
Josh left for Miami this weekend for a conference he was speaking at. Of course I was jealous that I couldn’t fly with him and sit on the beach for the weekend, but it was nice to have a weekend with just me and baby to relax! I’ve been looking forward to this trip for a while, not only because I’m excited for him to speak at his first WordCamp, but it’s the last big thing before baby. From here on out we have graduations, birthdays and get together with friends – but nothing that will take us outside of the city or is stressful. From here on out it is smooth sailing (hopefully!)
While he was gone I took Saturday to get a lot of my own baby to do’s knocked off the list. I cooked for most the day Saturday and filled our freezer with meals that will hopefully keep us easily fed for the first few weeks. In addition to what I know family and friends will bring over I have a feeling we will be set for a while on yummy food!
Also my mom and I went to the fabric store and picked out really happy, colorful fabrics and sewed burp cloths and bibs out of them. These me happy.
With this being my first pregnancy, I’m not exactly sure if I am having Braxton Hicks – but I think so. Throughout the day, especially when I work out or after I eat my stomach will get unbelievably tight like it is going to implode from the inside. Not painful, but definitely not comfortable. O well, hopefully my uterus is practicing hard for our big event coming up in less than a month!
We celebrated Mother’s Day this weekend, with Josh gone I took over having brunch with his family and dinner with mine. It’s fun to think that next mothers day this babe in my belly will almost be 1! Pretty unbelievable that this is happening so soon 🙂 If I was honest I’m still in disbelief that Josh and I will have a baby within the month! Yikes!
We had our 36 week appointment with our doctor. It was one of the quickest, in and out. At this point we are just waiting and enjoying the last few days of just the two of us. I brought some questions to ask the doc I wanted her opinion on such as how long to wait to cut the cord and if we could delay the newborn tests/procedures for an hour while I bond with baby. Mostly, I want to know what I can expect when I get to the hospital, what I’m going to have push back on and how flexible they are going to be. Luckily I LOVE my hospital and doctor group and they are very in support of letting me give birth however I want and are extremely flexible.
The only thing they aren’t flexible on is having the IV port put in. I would prefer not to have the saline lock put in unless there is an emergency and I needed it, but my doctor gave a great example of an emergency where she had agreed to not have the saline lock and the mama needed it – and she lost precious minutes because of it. I understand her concern, and I don’t mind compromising on that one thing since pretty much every other request they are allowing me to do!
Size of Baby E: somewhere around 18 inches and 6 lbs
Best moment of the week: The sun was shining a lot this week and I loved how much we could get out and enjoy the sunshine. Can’t wait for Baby E to join us!
Obsessions/Cravings? Still dairy! It’s been pretty consistent with this pregnancy I want milk and yogurt and cheese.
What I’m most looking forward to this week: My incredibly talented friend has offered to take maternity photos of J and I next week! It will be a great memory of this first pregnancy – I can’t wait to see how they turn out!
What I miss the most: All the usual good stuff – but I don’t miss them as much because I know I will get all of them in a few weeks!

Workouts: Still moving pretty much every day. I’m trying to alternate my runs and walks and strength training to give my body more of a break between each work out. Definitely trying to remember to do more kegels! 36 weeks into the pregnancy isn’t too late right? The photo above is of my view when I workout – I have to bend a bit to see my feet now a days!
Sleep: Especially while J was gone I didn’t sleep very well! I don’t know if it’s because he wasn’t here, or just pregnancy insomnia but I was wide awake at 3 am most mornings. I have a feeling me and baby will have a lot of early mornings together if this is E’s schedule in a few weeks!
Movement: Baby is still super active. I can tell E is running out of room, the movements are much more sliding. I mostly feel their big booty sticking out and pressing into my belly button! Their hands are getting more active and poke me in my sides along with their feet are trying to stretch out more and more as I get an occasional kick up high in my ribs which hasn’t happened much.
Symptoms: I felt good this week. Despite the usual symptoms, I had energy for the most part and with baby lower down in my belly I feel like I can sit and move around easier.
Love the elephant bib! They are all so adorable, what a great idea 🙂 Happy 36 weeks! Next week your little one is technically full term right?! Crazy!!!
I’m still in disbelief that our first is coming so quickly 🙂 I have a feeling these last few days are going to fly by!
Beautiful mama-to-be! Can’t wait for this little miracle to arrive. xoxo