Momming is tough. Besides the physical exhaustion, the mental struggle is real when you spend 24/7 with your little ones. The only way you can survive mom life is to find your tribe. Get a mix of all types of moms and surround yourself with them. Learn from them, give to them, soak up their milky dried up, spit up filled lives. Life will be better because they are in your life. You need each other.
Experienced Mom
She has walked the path before you. Listen to her when she shares potty training stories, growth spurt experiences, breastfeeding battles, bedtime routines and so much more. Soak up everything she says when you’re around her and watch her as she does her mom thing, there are valuable lessons to be had.
You are who I text in the wee hours of the night when I have a parenting question. You are who I admire and look up to. I apologize if I ever ask too much of you, I hope one day I can give back to you even a small percentage of all of the wisdom you have passed on.
First Time Mom
She posts photos of newborn baby cuddles, and selfies of her snuggling the newness and cuteness of baby sweetness (lots of ness-es going on here!). You can smell her sweet baby’s head through her pictures and everything about her messages to you seems peaceful and wonderful. Her weekends are spent in bed as a family simply staring at the new person they created. All is good.
I live vicariously through you. My newborn is along for the ride in my toddlers story for now. I miss those quiet moments where all you have to do in a day is watch your baby sleep. Enjoy it, love it, and cherish it, it is incredible. And keep posting photos of your new miracle, I love seeing their cute-ness.
Hot Mess Mom
She reminds you that life with kids is chaotic and it is ok to wear your hair in a bun with sweat pants every now and then (or every day). These are the moms you have over and don’t care about whether you have laundry all over the couch and the TV is turned on in hopes of your kids giving you 5 minutes of quiet. She shows up late, leaves a trail and always makes her plans last minute.
You allow me to be me. Things are easy with you and you make me feel good about my own mom choices. There is no judgement because we are moms and we get it. Im grateful you’re in my life because we all have our hot mess moments that we can share. Let’s embrace them together.
Crunchy Mom
She believes in all natural parenting, cloth diapers, home made yogurt and brews her own laundry detergent. It’s not me, but I appreciate the mom in my life who does their homework and can tell me all the chemicals in my sunscreen. While I still might not make the change to your style of parenting, I honestly do appreciate the knowledge.
You give me a different perspective. Even though I’m not cloth diapering, I come to you and rely on your educated and informative opinion. Please don’t think because I still use store-bought non-organic milk that I don’t support your decisions equally. I need you.
Pinterest Perfect Mom
Every party is decorated to the nines. Her house is always clean and Her kids spend their days doing art projects and playing with “busy boxes” full of developmentally correct toys. Lunches are made weekly and stored in the fridge labeled with cute print outs that you can only find on Pinterest.
You give me hope. That maybe one day if I get my act together I too can have pre packed lunches with creatively designed meals. My dinners won’t be thrown together in the last 30 minutes, and my kids wont know what Ramen is. Send me your recipes, your sewing tips, all the DIY projects, your cleaning schedules and your party decor. I want the inspiration, and then can you please watch my kids so I have time to finish them? <3
The Unapologetic Mom
She doesn’t apologize for her messy living room, unmade bed and will still invite you over on a moments notice despite the breakfast and lunch dishes that are filling her sink. She will share the food in her fridge even if it’s just hotdogs and cheese, and if her toddler is throwing a tantrum it’s because they are toddlers and there is no excuse other than they are always tired, hungry and emotional. She reminds you that we’re moms and we we’re doing life together and that doesn’t need any apology.
I want to follow your lead. I so often find myself apologizing for the state of my house or my toddler, but when I’m with you I don’t need to. You get it. I respect you when your Toddler is throwing a tantrum in a restaurant and you don’t make an excuse or apologize to our waitress. Next time you come over for a Playdate I won’t spend the 20 minutes beforehand shoving stuff in the closet, because I know that you won’t see the mess. You remind me life is tough enough without having to worry about walking on eggshells, making excuses and apologizing.
Honest Mom
She tells you how it is. She lets you know when you look your worst and loves you despite it. She shares her toddler’s stories as they terrorize her house and tantrum on her floor. She tells you when you have spit up on your shirt and when you need to chill out because you’re overreacting about the 15th time your toddler threw the toy across the room.
You are my real life. You don’t sugar coat anything and I thank you for that. I come to you first for your opinion because I know you aren’t telling me what I want to hear, but what I need to hear. You keep me honest and hold me accountable.
The mom that’s known you forever.
The Patient Mom
The Mom that calls you at 4 pm when both of your toddlers are at their worst, invites you over, pours you both a glass of wine and lets your kids go wild in their playroom.
No explanation needed.
You know who you are. I need you.
I could go on. There are so many moms in my life that I need for different reasons. Without my mom tribe I would not be able to hold it together on the tough days, and would have no one to celebrate with on the great days. I love you all equally. My kids (and husbnad) thank you for keeping me sane and grounded.
Shelby says
I love this so much! Can you be my experienced mom? lol I’m working towards launching my own mom-blog and fond myself constantly gravitating towards yours.