My morning coffee time over the last 6 years has evolved from a cold cup of coffee that I would microwave 3 times before noon, into a moment every morning that I’ve carved out for self care.
Let me explain.
When I was a first time mom, with only one kid, my coffee and my morning routine was an after thought. I felt like I was in survival mode and as the saying goes, I was not securing my oxygen mask first before attending to my kids needs and wants. Then Henry and Anderson came and mornings which were already chaotic, were now times three.
Some moms wake up early before their kids, and have quiet time reading with their warm cup of coffee or tea, my kids wake up early. Like, really early. Trying to wake up before them was a losing battle and starting the day in full speed ahead mode wasn’t working.
So I introduced coffee time to my morning and explained to my kids what the new routine and expectations would be. It’s been a game changer,
My coffee time isn’t just an act of me drinking coffee. Yes the caffeine definitely helps start the day, but coffee time in my house is defined by me being able to sit on the couch and actually enjoy my cup of coffee.
Every morning we wake up and my kids are STARVING. I help them quickly get breakfast and then double and triple check that everyone is happy and taken care of and won’t need anything from me in the next 15 minutes.
And then I sit down.
My kids know that my coffee time is my chance to sit and take a deep breath, read, talk to their dad and drink my warm cup of coffee. Starting the day like this means I’m less frantic and more prepared for the day’s chaos.
My kids know that any requests, unless emergencies, will wait until after moms coffee time. If they need something they are expected to help each other out or wait.
It’s called self care. It’s only 15 minutes of my morning, but I look forward to it every day. It’s the little things that we need to do to ensure we give ourselves a chance to take a breath and have a thought throughout the day before the million of questions and needs take over the day.
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