Hi, I’m Caroline. Our community has grown and changed since I wrote and released One Year Fit a few years ago and I wanted to reintroduce myself. Just the basics today, I’ll save the juicy details and embarrassing stories for the newsletter. I’m an ACE certified personal trainer and health coach. Before kids I worked […]
I have a really great life
I don’t say that enough, probably because my dishwasher was broken for 2 months and my two year old had a massive tantrum because I tried to take a blue marker away from him. My 4 year old loves leaving legos all over the house which out right makes me angry. Oh, and my 1st […]
What to do when the holiday eating starts
Halloween sets it up with the candy, and if you have kids who are competitive they want all the candy. Of course as a good parent you can’t let your kids eat all the candy so you take one for the team and charge a candy tax, and sneak one or two pieces along the […]
The Importance of My Morning Coffee Time
My morning coffee time over the last 6 years has evolved from a cold cup of coffee that I would microwave 3 times before noon, into a moment every morning that I’ve carved out for self care. Let me explain. When I was a first time mom, with only one kid, my coffee and my […]
I’m not the fun mom
I’m the mom that takes my kids to fun places, but I’m not the fun mom. I’m not an elf on a shelf mom. I hear other moms talk about hiding their elf around the house and how much fun their kids have searching for him every morning. I just can’t get on board. I’m […]
Parents, serve the peanuts
Let’s relate this to the last 9 months of the Pandemic. So much change has hit our kids and they are looking at you to confirm that the plane isn’t going down. 2020 has tested all of our limits, but we will get through this together. Life will look different and none of this is […]