Naps are once again a norm in my day. They aren’t the first trimester ones where I physically can’t keep my eyes opened or focused on anything, but im completely exhausted by 3 pm most days. Even a 30 min power nap, if I can squeeze it in, is helpful! My mom’s small group from church […]
First Pregnancy: 34 Weeks Pregnant, Our Next Big Adventure
Our 34 week appointment this week went great. I was supposed to meet the last doctor in the group, but he was out-of-town last-minute so I met with the nurse practitioner again (who I really like so it worked out great)! From here on out it’s only meeting with my msin Doctor and I start going […]
First Pregnancy: Week 33, Baby E’s Nursery Reveal
We had te 32 week baby appt this week and E’s Heartrate dropped a bit to 135 from his/her consistent 145 and doc confirmed as of now baby is head down (hopefully they will stay that way!). I was measuring a week ahead… so we will see when this baby decides to make an appearance! […]
First Pregnancy: Week 32, Elephant Ankles
This past week was the first week I felt my pregnancy slow me down and my body reacting more… well pregnant! Mainly, my ankles got huge this week. They started swelling if I was on them too much so I made a point to put them up more often. I have a hard time slowing […]
First Pregnancy: Week 31, Let the Nesting Begin.
As usual I am writing this a week late. 🙂 Baby E’s appointment went great! 145 heartbeat, measuring on track so far and mama was healthy. My thyroid levels were back in the right ranges which was good – so I’m going to continue to take the original low dose of medicine they gave me […]
First Pregnancy: Week 30, Ice, Ice Baby
This was a pretty normal and uneventful week for me which was nice. Looking out at the calendar we have something planned every weekend between now and baby so it was nice to have a low-key week. I had another week of weird dreams. stress dreams, all types of dreams. I would wake up every […]