When you become a new mom everyone insists you need the newest, greatest crib, bottle warmer, baby food maker etc. I’ve listed out 10 things that you might not have heard about that you actually need! Stock up on these to make those first few months of caring for your newborn easier and more enjoyable. […]
11 Great Things About Being Pregnant and 11 Not So Great Things
11 Great Things About Being Pregnant… 1. It’s a really good excuse Growing a baby is tough work and if you need to go to bed at 9 pm, leave an event early, excuse yourself from a meeting or take a sick day you have a pretty good excuse! 2. You get a cute squishy […]
Week 40: My World Stopped
(I wrote this a month ago… and then baby happened!) I thought I was going to be writing about just me and my belly again this week, but that quickly changed at the end of my 40 week appointment on Tuesday. Charlotte Rose Eaton was born, 1 day late, on June 11, 2014 – The […]
First Pregnancy: Week 39, Enjoy the Last Weeks of Pregnancy
The title of the post is ‘Enjoy the last weeks of pregnancy’, because this is what everyone is telling me to do. Don’t rush the process, and ENJOY! I think this is backwards – you should enjoy the first 8 months of your pregnancy, because the last one is the most uncomfortable. When I hear […]
First Pregnancy: Week 38:, Walking Baby E Out
My energy came back a bit this week, or maybe my hormones decided to give me a break – but I was definitely happier this week than past. Other than the normal pee breaks all night, Baby E actually let me sleep this week which was nice for a change to week up feeling even […]
First Pregnancy: Week 37, Officially Full Term
Finally full term! I know baby needs to cook a few more weeks, but it makes me happy to know that if baby was born tomorrow he/she will be ready for the world! With E lower these last few days, I can move around easier which is nice, but their kicks are getting much stronger […]