Did you hear our big news? If not take a minute, catch up here —> We are excited to finally announce #3, due April 1 2018! I remember announcing our first. The unknown that waited for us. The excitement. The only thing we had to focus on was the little squish that would soon be […]
The Stages of Pregnant Sex
Warning: We are talking about sex. If this makes you uncomfortable, please stop reading now… I hate to be a spoiler… but it’s a big part of making babies. Now that I’ve been through two pregnancies from beginning to end, I feel that I can confidently say when you first learn about the birds and the bees […]
Why I Had a Birth Photographer
I had a stranger in my delivery room. OK, not a complete stranger we had met a week earlier at Chick-Fil-A to go over the details and at least see each other before embarking on such an intimate photo shoot. I’m a private person, so letting anyone in, especially someone I’ve never met before, I […]
Lottie Rose’s Birth Story: Part 2
If you missed the first part of my birth story check out Part 1 here To quickly catch you up, I spent 12 hours in the hospital not in labor, went home and moments later started having strong contractions. We left with me in part 1 on the couch trying to sleep, but instead suffering […]
2nd Pregnancy Update: 38 Weeks
14 Days! I know that these babies are so much easier to take care of when they are still in your belly, but with 14 days until my due date I am more anxious than ever to meet this little one! I want to find out if we are having a baby sister or brother, […]
Lottie Rose’s Birth Story: Part 1
I remember not wanting to make my 40 week appointment, I was afraid it would jinx me and I was convinced based on the women in my family and their previous first babies that I was destined to go at least 2 weeks early. As the weeks went by, I had to finally put that […]