I remember when Lottie first started to walk, everyone would respond with “just wait until she starts talking”, like it was a bad thing. They went on to clarify, “then she won’t shut up”. I know there is a lot of truth in that statement. They go on and on and on and on. Why […]
5 Habits Every Mom Needs
The wonderful chaos that children bring are one of the many reasons why moms need to create habits in their lives to keep them sane. Habits don’t just happen, you have to create them, practice them and live them every day. The habits below are simple, but I can bet as a new mom you’ve […]
What I Do Know About My Post Baby Body
So many changes happen over the course of 9 months. Your body takes on a mind of its own, and 9 months later a baby arrives. You will most likely look at your body as a stranger that you aren’t acquainted with. There is nothing familiar. The shape, the sounds, the feels, nothing seems right. It […]
To the Mom with the Toy Filled Living Room
To the mom with the toy filled living room, email me, I’ll send you a picture of mine to make you feel better about leaving your mess for one more night. I hope that you sit on the couch with your husband and a glass of wine, turn on a TV show, and ignore the mess. To […]
How to Stop Running
We aren’t talking about the running that I love. The running that brings me peace and stress relief. The running that is exercise and takes 30 minutes of my day. The running that ran my first marathon and multiple halfs. That’s the running I haven’t had time for in the last few months. That running has been […]
Why I Date my Husband
Dating gets more expensive after you have kids. Not only are you paying for the dinner and drinks, add an extra $100 for a sitter. You have to really want to go on that date and work it into your budget. For the first few years we found ourselves leaving our kids for parties or […]