Hi, I’m Caroline.
Our community has grown and changed since I wrote and released One Year Fit a few years ago and I wanted to reintroduce myself. Just the basics today, I’ll save the juicy details and embarrassing stories for the newsletter.
I’m an ACE certified personal trainer and health coach.
Before kids I worked at Equinox in Chicago as a personal trainer. It was obvious while working with my clients that all the exercise during the week couldn’t make up for a crappy diet at home. What my clients really needed was help with all the other parts. They needed help understanding their nutrition goals, they needed help maintaining their stress levels. They needed help organizing and managing their schedules to create room for the habits that would make their lifestyle stick.
I realized I didn’t just want to work with women on their workout schedule, one hour, 3 times a week, I wanted to help them in all aspects of their lives. More than exercise, a healthy lifestyle is defined by the food you eat, how you manage your stress, the relationships you surround yourself by and how much sleep you give yourself. It’s a big puzzle and I wasn’t making a big enough impact by only working with women on one piece of it.
I wrote a year long course in 2018 on habits and offer it at oneyear.fit
I’m horrible at saying “hey, look what I did”
I realized in 2020, even my closest friends and mom didn’t REALLY know what I did when I mention my One Year Fit course. As a personal trainer I worked with a lot of women trying to change their lifestyle. They wanted to create healthier habits but would always end up giving up and feeling like a failure.
I hate diets for that reason. They put you on a rollercoaster that isn’t sustainable even for the most disciplined human. They make you feel like you need to change everything all at once, instead of focusing on introducing goals slowing and sustainably.
One Year Fit is a way to introduce 52 new habits over the course of the year and set the goal of only focusing on one habit each week. If you enjoy the habit, keep it. If it didn’t work with your schedule, budget or preferences move on to the next. At the end of the year the goal would be to have a list of habits that you want to bring more into your lifestyle and set your goals to focus on those.
I have three kids under 6.
If you follow along my Instagram you probably have seen my kids, they’re the wild ones. I still struggle with finding the time and energy to do what I want to do to maintain my sanity and health, and also keeping up with the kids. I do my best to move as often as I can, eat real food and get rest at night. Being a mom has been the most exhausting and rewarding season of my life.
I have a passion for helping other moms feel strong and not lose themself in the mom years. Put your own oxygen mask on first and make sure you practice self care whenever possible. That’s what I’m here for, to hold you accountable and be a neutral playing field for you to talk to and work through the obstacles that are trying to prevent you from finding your healthy lifestyle.
I was born in Georgia, my elementary school years were spent in Hawaii, I then moved to the Midwest, and only recently ended up in Southern California.
I have special memories from everywhere I’ve lived, but at the end of the day my soul is most at rest near the beach. I love watching my kids ride bikes and run along the beach all year round. Me and the cold weather never did mix well. So here we will stay in Southern California if you’re in the area send me a message I love a reason to meet anyone and everyone at the beach.

I love to travel.
Like REALLY love to travel. Ever since my study abroad summer in Maastricht Netherlands I’ve been hooked. Josh and I both quit our jobs in Chicago to spend 18 months traveling around the world. We hiked Machu Picchu, camped for 30 days in Botswana and Namibia, danced in the streets of Rio and Beach hopped along the Thai Islands. We walked alongside the Moai in Easter Island and we swam with sea lions in the Galapagos. We wrote all about it on Traveling 9 to 5 if you share the travel bug and want to read more.
Your turn. Email me or leave a comment with something interesting about you that I don’t know. Some of you have been around for awhile, and some are new, and I want to hear from all of you!
Also I’m starting a newsletter in 2021! Sign up and I’ll be sending out a newsletter every other week with handpicked articles, tips and recipes to keep you focused on your healthy.
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