1. Who are you?
Hello super mammas!
My name is Jenna Maguire, I live in Long Island New York.
In one year my world was turned upside down. I met my husband on my 25th birthday, this was in December. I was pregnant in March, got married in June and popped out baby number one in October…Wow! I am now 29 and my husband and I have two little babies, Luke who is three and a half and Avery who is 9 months, both blonde and blue-eyed.
I graduated from the University of Tampa in 2011 with a degree in communications. I always knew in my heart I needed to work for a cause. Currently, I work for a Boys & Girls Club in the department of development. My husband Patrick is a teacher and a coach at a private school on Long Island. My husband and I are both Christians, and doing our best to raise little disciples in this crazy world! I love to tear it up on the dance floor although those days are far and few in between. I love spending time with family and secretly I love cleaning and organizing, I can’t sit still.
2. When is your favorite time of day?
My favorite time of day…hmm this is a tough one because I’m not a morning person, I work full-time, and when I get home it’s chaos. I would say my favorite time of day is late at night when everyone is asleep. I love my husband and my kids but being a mother, a wife, and everything to all people selfishly I love my quiet time.
3. When is your most chaotic time of day?
My most chaotic time of day is between six and seven. My husband and I depending on the day have to pick up two kids from two different locations. My husband always drives our daughter in the morning.
A normal day for me picking up both kids looks like this, I drive to my husband’s school to grab the base to the car seat, get back in the car drive around to the daycare at the school, get my daughter, drive 40 minutes home, pick up my son (my babysitter lives two houses away one plus).
Then it takes me about 3 trips to get all the bags up the stairs. Usually, I have to feed Avery, and then cook dinner as I go! Each day is different but more or less this is the routine. After dinner is bath time and If I had to talk about putting a three-year-old to bed…well I don’t need to say much more.
4. What is your mom chaos confession?
Being a mom is an extremely important job and I think we overlook that. I know I do.
I struggle with wanting independence, and that exists in small doses these days. My aunt once told me “you have kids your life is not your own”, and boy was she right.
I pray that God will guide me to raise little disciples, be more patient, and truly enjoy being a mother because this lady still wants to get her hair blown out, nails done, grab a hot new outfit, and be seated at an expensive restaurant 🙂
5. What is your best tip for managing the chaos?
Enjoy it and laugh along the way. Sometimes I want to scream, but when I’m trying for 10 minutes to get my son dressed and he is half-naked climbing on me and making me fall over and lose my balance and still has no pants on I can’t help myself but laugh out loud.

6. What does a typical day in your chaos look like?
7:30 The sleepy heads get up! Me and Luke. My husband gets up with Avery, gets her ready, feeds her, dresses her and takes her to daycare and or babysitter
8:15 I drop Luke off at my mom’s and or the babysitter depending on the day and I TRY to get to work by 9:00 a.m. I must get an iced coffee no matter what!
9 – 5:30 p.m. Work, work, work
5:30 p.m. Depending on the day, season haha I start job number two, super mama … I may have to get Avery at daycare or babysitter, bottom line I get the kiddos
6:00 p.m. Chaos, what’s for dinner? I whip up dinner, Avery may need to eat, Luke is making a mess. I usually throw in a load of laundry, empty the dishwasher, straighten up anything I need to straighten up.
7:30 p.m. Bath time! Well we try for 7:30 p.m. I will clean up dinner, clean, Pat will prep Avery for bed feed her again, I will take care of Mr. Luke
8:30 p.m. Bedtime begins! Ahhhhh… I am lucky if Luke goes to bed by 9:30, 10 seriously. We brush teeth, and that somehow takes a lonnnng time. We read three to four books, and then lights out!
10:00 p.m. I would like to say that my husband and I spend quality time together but we’re exhausted! Bedtime, yes please only to get up tomorrow and do it all over again. But I must say we are a great team and we do it with smiles 🙂
Where to find her!
Her Facebook page: All For Him where she speaks out about Faith. C urrently she’s going through a bible study LIVE.
Instagram: @allforhim17
And her blog here
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